Welcome to Crazyoginis

This is the blog of three crazyoginis. We hope to be able to share our love for yoga and our thoughts, ideas and experiences. We wish to spread yoga to all corners of the world, as we truly believe anyone will benefit from practising yoga. The crazyoginis consists of Purna (from Costa Rica) who lives in London, Europe. Rakhi who lives in Mumbai, India and Savitra (from Norway) who lives in Australia.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Meeting Guruji ......


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 is forever etched in my memory...... I was very very lucky to meet Guruji....

I happened to go to the Iyengar centre in Pune for some work and thats when I got a chance to meet Guruji. Actually when the person said that I could meet Guruji, I was scared  & I declined.  but the person gently prodded me to meet him...

I gathered courage to face Guruji & went inside the library. He was sitting & working on Yoga Sutra's. I cannot describe my experience after that, actually I dont remember exactly what happenned. I was completely mesmerised looking at him.

I sat down falling at his feet & did a Namaskar to him. I was tongue tied.. speechless... enchanted by his sight....  He was wearing a white kurta & mundu... white hair on his shoulders & sharp eyes... I could not take my eyes off him... the Grand Young Man of 94, B K S Iyengar, Guruji for us, himself in front of me... I had to take in as much I could with my eyes...

He gently asked me if I was a yoga student & I nodded... still could not speak.. Then he said something which I cannot remember... I just kept looking at him spellbound.

After some time I got up & left taking his blessings with me & still remembering his sight.
I feel truly blessed that I got a chance to meet him. There was always a wish to meet him but I never knew that it would be fulfilled so suddenly. I am grateful very very grateful....

It is a day I shall always remember....

Om Shanti

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