Welcome to Crazyoginis

This is the blog of three crazyoginis. We hope to be able to share our love for yoga and our thoughts, ideas and experiences. We wish to spread yoga to all corners of the world, as we truly believe anyone will benefit from practising yoga. The crazyoginis consists of Purna (from Costa Rica) who lives in London, Europe. Rakhi who lives in Mumbai, India and Savitra (from Norway) who lives in Australia.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Splash water on Eyes to bring your BP down


Yes, thats right. Splash water on your eyes to bring your blood pressure down.

How does one do it ?

Take a big mouthful of water & make a big O with  mouth closed. Now close your eyes & splash water - cool water - not very cold on the right eye 12 times & then repeat on left eye for 12 times. Then throw the water out of your mouth. To be done each time you pass urine & wash your hands.

Passing of urine releases the tension in your body & splashing of water calms the NS of body thus bringing the pressure down.

This has also helped people correct their vision & vision releated problems.

I have felt great relief from burning of my eyes & relax.

II Om Shanti II

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