Welcome to Crazyoginis

This is the blog of three crazyoginis. We hope to be able to share our love for yoga and our thoughts, ideas and experiences. We wish to spread yoga to all corners of the world, as we truly believe anyone will benefit from practising yoga. The crazyoginis consists of Purna (from Costa Rica) who lives in London, Europe. Rakhi who lives in Mumbai, India and Savitra (from Norway) who lives in Australia.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Third Eye Blockage?

The Third Eye is related to the pineal gland. The third eye has long been recognised by humans, and in particular by spiritual traditions, like yoga. It is believed to be the Inner vision, the seat of the soul, the natural intuition and the connection between the physical and the spiritual world.

What is the Pineal gland and what does it do? The Pineal gland is an endocrine gland, about the size of a pea which is located in the middle of the brain. It secrets melatonin into the body, which is what regulates the biorhythms of the body, like the sleep/wake cycles and the onset of puberty. The pineal gland is sensitive to light. More melatonin is secreted into the blood in the evening when it gets dark and it is at it's top in the morning (which is why the early morning before sunrise is a very good time for meditation). The reduction melatonin is believed to speed up the aging process.

The pineal gland is apparently the primary target for fluorine in the body (Dr. Jennifer Luke, University of Surrey, England) and the levels of melatonin is reduced as the pineal gland is 'stiffened' by fluorine (therefore young girls gets puberty earlier). Apparently fluoride was used in the World War 2 by the Germans to make the prisoners stupid, and today it is widely used in our drinking water and toothpastes... The same can be said about chlorine and bromine. It is believed that too much of these substances in our body are changing the pineal gland and therefore our third eye. We should start thinking about how much of these we take in. If we are able to filter our water, change our toothpaste and check food packaging that will be a start. These three halogens can be reduced in our body by iodine and also by an oil from the RatFish (check out RatFish). Most importantly though, keep on meditating and practicing asanas. 

Om Shanti. 

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