Welcome to Crazyoginis

This is the blog of three crazyoginis. We hope to be able to share our love for yoga and our thoughts, ideas and experiences. We wish to spread yoga to all corners of the world, as we truly believe anyone will benefit from practising yoga. The crazyoginis consists of Purna (from Costa Rica) who lives in London, Europe. Rakhi who lives in Mumbai, India and Savitra (from Norway) who lives in Australia.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Therapy - Vajrasan Series

Therapy - Vajrasan Series

The Vajrasan Series that we learnt at our Gurukul (Yoga Vidya Gurukul, Nasik) is a superb series of asanas for back problems.
They are very very simple asanas which we hold for 10-30 sec each pose & Wow ! the effects are simply amazing !!
The Series :
1.       From sitting position get your left & right feet under your buttocks & sit between the heels.
2.      Toes are pointed out. Heels touch the sides of the hips.
3.      Place hands on knees, palms down, fingers together.
·         Increases efficiency of the digestive system
·         Calms the body & mind
·         Good pose for Meditation, concentration, trataks & Pranayam
Januhastasan (Hand to Knee Pose)
1.       From Vajrasan, place the palms on the floor directly in front of the knees.
2.      Gently press the waist down, push chest forward & raise neck upwards.
3.      Gaze is upwards or eyes closed.
·         This gives a supers stretch to the back, stretches & loosens the spine.
Hastashirasan (Palms to Chin Pose)
1.       From Januhastasan, bend forward in waist  place elbows firmly on the floor, in front of the knees.
2.      Keep the elbows about 20 cms apart.
3.      Cup your chin with your palms, wrists touching.
·         A Beautiful stretch to the spine.
Ekapad Sahajhasta Bhujangasan (One Leg Easy Hand Cobra Pose)
1.       From hastashirasan, extend the left leg backwards, stretching the toes back.
2.      The right foot sole is touching the left thigh & knee is in right angle to left leg.
3.      Palms under the chin.
·         Stretch to spine
·         Pressure to abdomen
·         Stretch to legs
Sahajhasta Bhujangasan (Easy Hand Cobra Pose)
1.       From Ekapad sahajhasta bhujangasan, extend your right leg to join the left leg.
2.      Press waist to floor so the thighs & knees touch the floor.
3.      Palms under the chin.
·         Hold this pose for longer duration, it has a positive effect on the vertebral column, encouraging it to resume its normal shape for those who suffer from back issues and it releases the compression of the spinal nerves.
·         Very effective for people with slipped disc, sciatica, lower back pain or any other spinal disorder.
·         Asthmatic & people with lung ailments should practise this asana regularly with breath awareness as it allows more air to enter the lungs.
Makarasan (Crocodile Pose)
1.       From Sahajhasta bhujangasan, fold the hands in front of your head & rest your forehead or either temple on the fold of the hands or the on the floor.
2.      Keep legs apart about 1.5 feet way, toes stretched out & heels facing inwards.
3.      Body weight sinks to the floor, relaxing the body.
·         Relaxes the back & entire body.
Adhvasana (Downward Face Pose)
1.       From Makarasan, stretch both arms above the head with the palms pressed together in ‘Namaskar’ position with forehead resting on the floor.
2.      Stretch the hands forward & toes backwards.
3.      Legs are together.
·         Extremely beneficial for slipped disc, stiff neck & stooping figure.

Now Repeat in reverse order with the other leg – right leg straight & left leg bent – going back to the starting asana, Vajrasan.

Precaution: If you experience pain, discontinue practise.
Breathe normally throughout.
I have personally seen benefits to many of my students of this magical Vajrasan Series. Therefore want more people to be relieved from back problems with this simple series of asanas.
I want to thank Guruji for introducing this series to us thro his book ‘Easy Way to Health – Yoga Sopan’; and Mrs Meera Sharma for being a wonderful teacher, teaching us the nuances of each asana in this series.
  Do write back if any of you have been benefitted with this series or need help with the poses. We will be most happy to help.
Yoga is the Only way…
II Om Shanti II

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