Welcome to Crazyoginis

This is the blog of three crazyoginis. We hope to be able to share our love for yoga and our thoughts, ideas and experiences. We wish to spread yoga to all corners of the world, as we truly believe anyone will benefit from practising yoga. The crazyoginis consists of Purna (from Costa Rica) who lives in London, Europe. Rakhi who lives in Mumbai, India and Savitra (from Norway) who lives in Australia.

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Journey to 108 Surya Namaskars !

II Hari Om II

Why is doing 108 Surya Namaskar's so important in a Yogi / Yogini's life ? I always kept wondering to myself till we decided to achieve this on our Yoga Therapy course.

It so happenned, the 3 of us, Crazyoginis, one fine night just decided to wake up earlier than the bell & start working our way towards 108 SNs. The ashram bell rings at 5 am, we decided to wake up at 4 & practise at 0430 am.

Yes, we did wake up & practised 54 SNs, as we had decided to take it slow & easy. We had one more partner Yogi, Ivan, who was the seniormost by age ( I wont reveal his age !) but the youngest at stamina :)

We took 45 minutes to complete 54 SNs with a 5 minute Shavasana in between. At the end it did feel extremely nice.The next night we decided to try & go closer to 108. With this Sankalpa  the following morning, we started our practise of SNs and at 54 decided to go for another 54 SNs after taking a 5 minute Shavasana. We did this in approx 55 minutes feeling xtremely breathless and a leaky nose but still superb.

The next few mornings we had more Yogini's - T from Singapore, Neha from Dubai, Raakhee from UK, Leslie from Scotland ( I think am missing 1 more person, somebody pls help me). And Wow how the energy changed & charged ! We also named ourselves the 108 Gang.

We achieved 108 Surya Namaskar's in 45 minutes with a 5 minute shavasana, the next morning in 40 minutes & the following mornings in 35 & 30 minutes, of course the 5 minutes Shavasana was non-negotiable ! The practise had become so effortless, we actually thought of increasing the number to 150, but didnt.

On completion, it was a feeling of exhileration, openness & lightness of body & mind !! Our bodies felt sooo flexible after this. Not to forget the joy of pracitsing it together.. I personally think it was only achieved because of the energies of all of us together, there was no pressure to perform, nobody was judged, we were fully relaxed (though a very tiny bit of breathless & my leaky nose ) & we could quit anytime, of course non of us did. I was humbled with this experience.

So thanks to all my Yogini's & the only Yogi from the 108 Gang at the ashram for helping me achieve this personal milestone. It has a big significance in my yogic life. I seriously think all those who walk on the path of Yog should atleast once try & attempt this glory of 108 SNs !


On returning to the city life, have been able to do this only once but want to make it a regular pracitse. Hope my crazyoginis parters help me to get back to this...

II Om Shanti II

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