Bihar School of Yoga books are fantastic for any Yoga Practitioner to have. I am a big big fan of all there books. I am currently re-reading the book - Surya Namaskara, A Technique of Solar Vitalization by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
I love doing Surya Namaskars. The book says that In the practice of Surya Namaskars we mentally touch all the Chakras of the body except mooladhara chakra. Chakra concentration may be combined with mental repetition of the mantras, by feeling that the mantra is being repeated in or on the chakra. When the practitioners concentration develops to a higher degree the vibrations of the mantras may be felt to be issuing forth from the psychic centres, a most wonderful intense experience.
So here are the Postures of Surya Namaskars & the Chakra concentration of each posture.
1. Pranamasana - Heart centre - Anahata
2. Hasta Utthanasana - Neck centre - Vishuddhi
3. Padahastasan- Spinal column root- Swadhisthan
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana- Eyebrow centre- Ajna
5. Parvatasana Neck centre Vishuddhi
6. Ashtanga Namaskar- Behind navel- Manipur
7. Bhujangasan Spinal column root Swadhisthan
8. Parvatasana Neck centre Vishuddhi
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana- Eyebrow centre- Ajna
10. Padahastasan Spinal column root Swadhisthan
11. Hasta Uttanasan Neck centre Vishuddhi
12. Pranamasan Heart centre Anahata
Slow practice of Surya Namaskars is recommended for the pshychic development.
II Om Shanti II
I love doing Surya Namaskars. The book says that In the practice of Surya Namaskars we mentally touch all the Chakras of the body except mooladhara chakra. Chakra concentration may be combined with mental repetition of the mantras, by feeling that the mantra is being repeated in or on the chakra. When the practitioners concentration develops to a higher degree the vibrations of the mantras may be felt to be issuing forth from the psychic centres, a most wonderful intense experience.
So here are the Postures of Surya Namaskars & the Chakra concentration of each posture.
1. Pranamasana - Heart centre - Anahata
2. Hasta Utthanasana - Neck centre - Vishuddhi
3. Padahastasan- Spinal column root- Swadhisthan
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana- Eyebrow centre- Ajna
5. Parvatasana Neck centre Vishuddhi
6. Ashtanga Namaskar- Behind navel- Manipur
7. Bhujangasan Spinal column root Swadhisthan
8. Parvatasana Neck centre Vishuddhi
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana- Eyebrow centre- Ajna
10. Padahastasan Spinal column root Swadhisthan
11. Hasta Uttanasan Neck centre Vishuddhi
12. Pranamasan Heart centre Anahata
Slow practice of Surya Namaskars is recommended for the pshychic development.
II Om Shanti II
hari om hedda and rakhi
ReplyDeleteI love practising suryanamaskars and tried 108 and been practising 108 once a month feels great like cleansing done....
Great to hear Prema. It is such a powerful practice. I have been doing SN on the beach at sunrise for the last few days. It is so magical, and so recommended to do outside at Sunrise! It's really effective. I will attempt 108 myself tomorrow morning, if it is not raining that is! (will let you know how I went!) Keep up Saluting the Sun... without it we would not be here!
ReplyDeleteI did the 108 Surya Namaskara today! I did 54 at home before I went down to the beach, as I could hear the rain outside. It was only on my last 20 rounds that I got some raindrops, and it was wonderful! Even with dark clouds and rain, it was so nice to see the change of light as the sun raised behind them. I knew it was there and I could feel it! I have been feeling so open and content today. The SN is just such a wonderful practice for the body, mind and soul! I challenge others to do the 108 in the morning! Savitra.