Welcome to Crazyoginis

This is the blog of three crazyoginis. We hope to be able to share our love for yoga and our thoughts, ideas and experiences. We wish to spread yoga to all corners of the world, as we truly believe anyone will benefit from practising yoga. The crazyoginis consists of Purna (from Costa Rica) who lives in London, Europe. Rakhi who lives in Mumbai, India and Savitra (from Norway) who lives in Australia.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Meeting Guruji ......


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 is forever etched in my memory...... I was very very lucky to meet Guruji....

I happened to go to the Iyengar centre in Pune for some work and thats when I got a chance to meet Guruji. Actually when the person said that I could meet Guruji, I was scared  & I declined.  but the person gently prodded me to meet him...

I gathered courage to face Guruji & went inside the library. He was sitting & working on Yoga Sutra's. I cannot describe my experience after that, actually I dont remember exactly what happenned. I was completely mesmerised looking at him.

I sat down falling at his feet & did a Namaskar to him. I was tongue tied.. speechless... enchanted by his sight....  He was wearing a white kurta & mundu... white hair on his shoulders & sharp eyes... I could not take my eyes off him... the Grand Young Man of 94, B K S Iyengar, Guruji for us, himself in front of me... I had to take in as much I could with my eyes...

He gently asked me if I was a yoga student & I nodded... still could not speak.. Then he said something which I cannot remember... I just kept looking at him spellbound.

After some time I got up & left taking his blessings with me & still remembering his sight.
I feel truly blessed that I got a chance to meet him. There was always a wish to meet him but I never knew that it would be fulfilled so suddenly. I am grateful very very grateful....

It is a day I shall always remember....

Om Shanti

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Grandma's Simple tips..

Ancient wisdom is truly amazing... does wonders to our common problems..

Here are some of the Grandma's tips passed on by my Ma !

Ginger juice + honey = Great cough syrup. Can be stored in fridge. To be had 2-3 times daily till you get relief.

Garlic, Raw or crushed & sauted in a bit of oil or ghee = Great for cholesterol, Cough.

Ginger, Raw = Chew a small piece for a bout of Cough. 

More tips later....

II Om Shanti II

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Splash water on Eyes to bring your BP down


Yes, thats right. Splash water on your eyes to bring your blood pressure down.

How does one do it ?

Take a big mouthful of water & make a big O with  mouth closed. Now close your eyes & splash water - cool water - not very cold on the right eye 12 times & then repeat on left eye for 12 times. Then throw the water out of your mouth. To be done each time you pass urine & wash your hands.

Passing of urine releases the tension in your body & splashing of water calms the NS of body thus bringing the pressure down.

This has also helped people correct their vision & vision releated problems.

I have felt great relief from burning of my eyes & relax.

II Om Shanti II

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Build your immunity


Today in my class I learnt from my teacher the importance of Vajrasan & Veerasan - Iyengar system- amongst the other benefits.

Ths is what struck me most :

Did you know, the metatarsal region has points to increase immunity ? That is why many people in India when they wash their feet rub this area vigourously.

It also benefits Sinus & cold problems.

So next time you get into vajrasan or veerasan you know that you are also building your immunity.

Om Shanti

Saturday, 9 July 2011

How can we apply Non-Violence?

The application of true ahimsa (non-violence) is much easier said than done. Here is a message that you can repeat to yourself to support you in your journey.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
From me there shall come no injury, no pain, no suffering or destruction to life in any form.

I shall not cause any pain or suffering to anyone.

I shall not cause any unnecessary sorrow to any person, and therefore, my speech will be soft and peace-giving.

My actions will be conductive to the good of others, to the benefit and happiness of others, and not the contrary.

My mind will always think well of others.

I have thoughts full of goodwill, peace, affection, love, friendliness, brotherhood, oneness, unity, sympathy and kindness.

I understand, with a little reflection, that it is only then when I an engaged in the process of real self-expression, of true self expression where I am a centre of love, a centre of all that is auspicious and good, a centre of peace, a centre of sweetness and kindness.

Thanks to Swami Chidananda
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Om Om Om

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Our true birthright

Man today is sick because he thinks he is sick.

Sickness and disease have no place in the life of a person who does not accept & tolerate the self-limiting thoughts which are the real seeds of our myriad ailments. We stand hypnotised by the belief that disease and illness are our fate and destiny, rather than health and bliss, which are truly our birthright and heritage.

In order to emerge from our mass hypnosis and collective hysteria and to experience health, joy and creative fulfilment, we must make a systematic application of Yoga in our daily lives.

-Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

II Om Shanti II

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Know Thyself

Ignorance is the cause of all disease and knowledge is the cure. When we get sick it is a signal from nature that something is not right. It is a warning to change ourselves. Because of our ignorance we loose sight of ourselves.

To know who we really are & how we should live, we have to suffer & go thro pain of life. What yoga allows us to do is to remove the hurt from pain so that we can grow with each experience whether good or bad.

Paradoxically, some of us must get sick to learn about ourselves more fully & completely. As all great sages, masters & philosophies have said throughout time & space "Know Thyself" & "Unto thine own self be true". This is the essence of yoga & it is how yoga has come to understand the cause & cure for disease.

Grateful thanks: Bihar School of Yoga 

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Letting go in the class


I like to practise with my teacher, and that too with many like minded individuals. Very often I feel that there are some asana's that are achieved or better achieved in a a group energy.

Twice in the week I practise with my teacher in a group class & I feel I float thro the class. I love this experience as I dont have to use my brain or vocal cords here. As soon as I enter the class, I just hand over the reigns to my teacher & what a brilliant teacher he is.... so compassionate... so loving... caring...

From the time we begin with Ujjayi breathing at the beginning of the class, I just switch off myself & follow his each & every word. The experience of going from asana practise to another combining Ujjayi with it, is simply amazing. I very powerfully experience 'letting go'. Yes at that time I have no things to crave, no dreams to achieve, no work to complete... it is just the practise in now, am very very aware of the 'Now'. 

Mind turns completely inwards & one is able to achieve a beautiful twist, smooth trikon or a finely balanced shirshasan with such grace & poise. I feel the class should just go on & on....

This feeling of fulfillment & nourishment lasts for some time, till I am ready for another class.

I feel blessed in this class.

II Om Shanti II