Welcome to Crazyoginis

This is the blog of three crazyoginis. We hope to be able to share our love for yoga and our thoughts, ideas and experiences. We wish to spread yoga to all corners of the world, as we truly believe anyone will benefit from practising yoga. The crazyoginis consists of Purna (from Costa Rica) who lives in London, Europe. Rakhi who lives in Mumbai, India and Savitra (from Norway) who lives in Australia.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Neha's Prenatal Sequence


My sweet friend from the ashram, Neha, a very very good yoga teacher in Dubai, taught me this Prenatal Sequence. One gets to learn so many new things at the ashram & so many different ways of doing it... I love the ashram life !

Teaching the Prenatal class can be very tricky. If you dont have the right attitude, right frame of mind. And thanks to Neha she made it sound so simple that I fell in love with the sequence. So Thank You Neha !

I have seen my students benefitting from Prenatal Yoga. It really does wonders to your the lower back. But of course, needless to say, please practise with expert guidance - qualified Yoga Teacher / Therapist.

Here is the Sequence for for the ones who are already doing Prenatal Yoga.

                                    NEHA's PRENATAL YOGA PLAN

   Sit on the floor in Sukhasana ( easy seat) . * You can use a blanket to help you lengthen you spine and hold your hand together at your centre, the location of your heart essence. Yoga is a practice of unification, bring your attention to the rhythms of breath placing one palm on the chest and the other on the belly.

   Mentally scan the body for areas of tension and divert the flow of oxygen to melt away the stress. Once you are totally relaxed prepare for ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING.
   You can practice 5 rounds to clear the energy pathways preparing for the ASANA practice.
1. ANKLE AND WRIST ROTATIONS- 5 times in each direction.
2. HEAD AND SHOULDER ROLLS -  Carefully roll your head to one side – your ear toward the shoulder, and then roll to the other side, feeling your neck muscles ease out.DONT drop your head back. Repeat 5 times.
                   Inhaling, lift your shoulders toward your ears. Exhaling, roll them back and down.
                   Repeat 5 times.
            CAT CURLS and Diagonal stretch – 10 cycles and 1 stretch for 5 deep breaths.

             DOWNWARD DOG – Pedal feet in place to open up the hamstrings and slowly walk   forward...feet to the hands...hands to the feet...rising one vertebrae at a time to a standing positing.

                                                   SUN SALUTATIONS
             MOUNTAIN POSE- Body alignment check
             BIG BODY STRETCH- gentle arc in the lower back
              FORWARD BEND- knees soft!
            LUNGE LEFT LEG- right foot to the edge of the mat – no compression!
            PLANK POSE – half between 5-10 counts – full only 3 counts.
           DOWNWARD DOG – shoulder stretch and backs of the leg
           LUNGE FORWARD RIGHT LEG- left foot to the edge of the mat
           CHAIR POSE – 5 counts

          BIG BODY STRETCH – gaze at the fingertips

         MOUNTAIN POSE – palms close to the heart.


SUPINE POSES- hip circles and bridge pose. Gently twist to each side before you take a sitting position.

SITTING POSES- Wide angle pose – spread legs hip distance apart and sit tall for 5 deep breaths.
                               OPEN TWIST on each side

                               ONE LEG forward bend each side

                               PIGEON POSE on each side.
STANDING POSES – TRIANGLE to TEMPLE 3-4 times on each side.

                                      WARRIOR 1 to WARRIOR 3 – 2 times on each side
( try to hold each poses for 3-5 breaths)

BALANCING POSES- TREE POSE – 10 breaths on each leg
Finish of with 10 rounds of Ujjayi Pranayam, 5 rounds of alternate nostril breathing and 5 rounds of the Humming bee.

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