Mantra Yog is an exact science. “Mananat trayate iti mantrah”- by the Manana (constant thinking or recollection) which one is protected or released from the round of births & deaths, is Mantra. The root ‘Man’ comes from the first syllable of that word, meaning ‘to think’ & ‘Tra’ from ‘Trai’ meaning to ‘to protect or free’ from the bondage of the world.
Mantras are an integral part of Indian mythology, culture & yog having bearings on various religious practices & scriptures. The mantra Om Namah Shivay corresponds to particular chakras & repeating this mantra stimulates those chakras, bringing about physiological & psychic changes in the practitioner. The specific cosmic force invoked by this mantra or the presiding deity of the mantra is said to bless the person repeating it.
Mantra Shastra – The Science
Mantras harness the power of sound to invoke cosmic forces for individual purposes.
The potency and efficacy of sound vibrations is very widely documented down the ages in almost all civilizations & religions; as well as modern physics & medical literature. Sound vibrations have been manipulated & put to use for a long period of time. Sound, when properly harnessed, travels through all mediums & can be a very effective means of change & transformation. It can be easily converted to other forms of energy as well.
Mantras were discovered in higher states of meditation when yogis explored the different layers of mind to discover the source of existence. Yogis experienced luminosity, the eternal quality of the spirit. In that state, vibrations are heard which the physical senses are incapable of hearing. The mantras the yogis discovered were sounds vibrating at a particular frequencies in each dimension of the personality. They also identified each sound with a particular psychic centre, eg Om was identified as the seed sound of Ajna Chakra. There is no Mantra superior to or greater than OM.
II Om Shanti II
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